Sunday, May 10, 2009

Mothers Day

We went to lunch @ Fridays today then let the boys skate downtown. Here are a few pics from our day. Hope all you ladies had a good day!


  1. Soooo...Did you get Shingles and Shutters???

    You caught some great pics of the boys skating!
    Eli reminds me of Jamie jumping off everything downtown. I think we were told several times NOT TO SKATE around the Aquarium!! :)Jamie never seemed scared, but I was scared to death!! He was such a rule breaker!!

    Great to see you guys yesterday!

  2. Not yet.......... Holdin out for my birthday!

    Eli is his dad made over. Pretty Scary.

  3. I love the pictures, put them on more often. Hey when did you get glasses? We love you guys.

  4. Exactly what I was thinking about the glasses. Hope you had a great mother's day. Never got a chance to thank you for my birthday present so thanks so much. Oh yeah sorry about David calling about Ostrich pee in the middle of your lunch.

  5. The glasses are a new thing. Trying to stop headaches.

    The boys were like "the ostrich did what!?!!!!??"
