Thursday, July 30, 2009

the braids....

Eli was getting a FUNKY rash on his noggin so it was time for removal of the braids.

3 very long hours later.....

Eli had an Amazing trip. He is still telling me stories of his adventures. It absolutely blows my mind to realize all my 10 year old has seen. These trips really expand his world ( and mind). Thank you sooooo much Nana and Papaw for sharing this with Eli. It truly changes his life.


  1. I have to be honest and say I didn't like the braids so I am glad he got a rash. ha ha

  2. Boy oh boy, we just did 2 braids on Abby's previously long hair - and it was a pain in the you know what!

    I'm so glad he is taking away awesome things from his trips!

  3. Eli, We love you so much and we are glad that you get to come to Jamaica to see what other people don't have. We really have fun with you no matter where we go.
